
Peer-reviewed publications

  1. AN Montanari, C Duan, AE Motter. On the Popov-Belevitch-Hautus tests for functional observability and output controllability. Automatica, in press (2024).

  2. G Retamales, ME Gavidia, B Bausch, AN Montanari, A Husch, J Gonçalves. Towards automatic home-based sleep apnea estimation using deep learning, npj Digital Medicine, 7:144 (2024).
    doi · medRxiv · codes

  3. ME Gavidia, H Zhu, AN Montanari, J Fuentes, …, X He, X Yang, J Gonçalves. Early warning of atrial fibrillation using deep learning. Patterns, 5:100970 (2024).
    doi · medRxiv· codes· data · press release · editorial cover letter

  4. AN Montanari, C Duan, AE Motter. Target controllability and target observability of structured network systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7:3060-3065 (2023).
    doi · arXiv · codes

  5. J Dias, AN Montanari, EEN Macau. Power grid vulnerability and its relation with network structure. Chaos, 33:033122 (2023).

  6. AN Montanari, L Freitas, D Proverbio, J Gonçalves. Functional observability and subspace reconstruction in nonlinear systems. Physical Review Research, 4:043195 (2022).
    doi · arXiv · codes

  7. D Proverbio, AN Montanari, A Skupin, J Gonçalves. Buffering variability in cell regulation motifs close to criticality. Physical Review E, 106:L032402 (2022).
    doi · arXiv

  8. AN Montanari, C Duan, LA Aguirre, AE Motter. Functional observability and target state estimation in large-scale networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 119: e2113750119 (2022).
    doi · arXiv · codes · video

  9. AN Montanari, LA Aguirre. Observability of network systems: A critical review of recent results. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 31:1348-1374 (2020).
    doi · preprint · codes · journal’s top-10 most viewed article in 2020

  10. AN Montanari, EI Moreira, LA Aguirre. Effects of network heterogeneity and tripping time on the basin stability of power systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 89:105296 (2020).
    doi · preprint · codes

  11. LL Portes, AN Montanari, D Correa, M Small, LA Aguirre. The observability properties of the recorded time series influence the reliability of recurrence network analysis. Chaos, 29:083101 (2019).
    doi · preprint

  12. AN Montanari, L Freitas, LAB Torres, LA Aguirre. Phase synchronization analysis of bridge oscillators between clustered networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 97:2399-2411 (2019).
    doi · preprint

  13.  AN Montanari, LA Aguirre. Particle filtering of dynamical networks: Highlighting observability issues. Chaos, 29:033118 (2019).
    doi · arXiv · codes

  14. AN Montanari, CF Luciano, MM Stopa, CA Lima. A virtual environment for paralleling process of synchronous generators on LabVIEW and Simulink. 2017 International Symposium on Engineering Accreditation (ICACIT), Lima, Peru (2017).

  15. AN Montanari, ES Oliveira. A novel analog multisensor design based on fuzzy logic: A magnetic encoder application. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(21):7096-7104 (2017).

Manuscript under review

  1.  AN Montanari, C Duan, AE Motter. Duality between controllability and observability for target control and estimation in networks. arXiv:2401.16372 (2024).

  2. AN Montanari, F Lamoline, R Bereza, J Gonçalves. Identifiability of Differential-Algebraic Systems. arXiv:2405.13818 (2024).
    arXiv · codes


Invited speaker at conferences, seminars, and colloquiums

  1. Flocking dynamics promoted by heterogeneity. Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar Series, Northwestern University, USA (2024).

  2. Scalable control and state estimation of distributed large-scale networks. Brain Architecture and Computing Workshop, Evanston, IL, USA (2024).

  3. Control, monitoring, and resource allocation in power grids. Power-net 2023 Meeting, Vienna, Austria (2023).

  4. Identifiability of biological regulatory systems. Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine Colloquium, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2022).

  5. Functional observability and target state estimation in large-scale networks. UWA Complex Systems Seminar, University of Western Australia (UWA), Australia (2021).
    slides · recording

Invited talks to research groups

  1. Target control of networks: From linear to nonlinear systems. Complex Systems Group, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil (2021).

  2. Functional observability and target state estimation in large-scale networks. Complex Systems Group, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil (2020).

Conference presentations and posters

  1. M Jayadharan, F Hagerty, AN Montanari, C Catlett, NM Mangan. Numerical strategies for model selection of differential-algebraic equations. SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science, Atlanta, GA, USA (2024).

  2. AN Montanari, C Duan, AE Motter. Target controllability and target observability of structured network systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Singapore, Singapore (2023).

  1. L Freitas, AN Montanari, WC Silva Junior, VHS Bittencourt, PAS Braga, ES Oliveira, LA Aguirre. Electronic implementation of networks of Kuramoto oscillators. Latin American Conference on Complex Networks (LANET), Cusco, Peru (2023).

  1. AN Montanari, AE Motter. Control and observation of target nodes. International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Vienna, Austria (2023).

  1. L Freitas, AN Montanari, WC Silva Junior, VHS Bittencourt, ES Oliveira, LA Aguirre. Electronic implementation of networks of Kuramoto oscillators. International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Vienna, Austria (2023).

  1. AE Motter, AN Montanari, C Duan, L Aguirre, T Nishikawa. Scalable control and observability: Power grids and other large-scale networks. International Conference on Statistical Physics (SigmaPhi), Crete, Grecia (2023).

  1. AN Montanari, C Duan, LA Aguirre, AE Motter. Functional observability and target state estimation in large-scale networks. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Portland, OR, USA (2023).

  2. J Dias, AN Montanari, EEN Macau. A dynamic vulnerability index for transmission networks. Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC), Thessaloniki, Greece [online] (2022).

  1. AN Montanari, C Duan, LA Aguirre, AE Motter. Functional observability and target state estimation in large-scale networks. SIAM Workshop on Network Science, Evanston, IL, USA [online] (2022).

  1. A Aalto, F Lamoline, AN Montanari, J Gonçalves. Identifiability of biological regulatory systems. European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI), Leuven, Belgium (2022).

  1. AN Montanari, C Duan, LA Aguirre, AE Motter. Functional observability and target state estimation in large-scale networks. International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Shanghai, China [online] (2022).

  1. MM Garcia, AN Montanari, F Lamoline, A Aalto, J Gonçalves. metaBINGO: combined modelling of transcriptomic and metabolomic time series data. Network Science in Biology and Medicine Satellite (NetBioMed), Shanghai, China [online] (2022).

  1. AN Montanari, F Lamoline, J Gonçalves. Identifiability of differential-algebraic and closed-loop systems: A case study of the electromechanical positioning system. Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, Leuven, Belgium (2022).

  1. LL Portes, AN Montanari, D Correa, M Small, LA Aguirre. Reliability of recurrence network analysis on the observability properties of the recorded time series. International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, Zhenjiang, China (2019).

  1. AN Montanari, LA Aguirre. On functional observability, sensor allocation and dynamical networks. Latin American Conference on Complex Networks (LANET), Cartagena, Colombia (2019).

  1. AN Montanari, EI Moreira, LA Aguirre. Relation of basin stability of perturbed power systems on network heterogeneity and tripping time. Latin American Conference on Complex Networks (LANET), Cartagena, Colombia (2019).